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   发布时间:2023-02-22         浏览次数:


代英杰,男,1972年6月生,博士,东北农业大学 维多利亚vic登录地址 环境工程系,教授,入选东农学者计划“杰出学者” 高层次人才称号,硕士生导师,中国黑土研究会黑土环境专业委员会副主任,获得2021 年度黑龙江省科学技术奖三等奖(2/10)和2020 年度黑龙江省住房和城乡建设厅一等奖(3/10),黑龙江省农业、环境、生态等多个领域专家库专家。主要从事农业废弃物处理与利用研究,主持国家级、省部级项目10余项,以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文60篇,EI论文3篇,总影响因子为182,其中中科院一区文章1篇;二区文章12篇,SSCI论文2篇;单篇最高影响因子9.988;总引用数为1169次(2022年10月24日止),入选ESI全球ESI热点论文1篇和高被引论文6篇。出版著作4部,其中在国际著名学术出版机构Springer出版英文著作2部,在中国科学出版社出版著作2部,获得授权国家发明专利2项。



















国际期刊特约审稿人,例如:Environmental Research; Science of the Total Environment; Chemosphere; Applied Surface Science; Journal of Colloid and Interface Science等国际期刊。(1)黑龙江省环境应急预案专家库专家;(2)黑龙江省农村生活垃圾治理专家组专家;(3)黑龙江省生态补偿和环境风险预防专业委员会专家;(4)黑龙江省秸秆综合利用专家组专家;(5)哈尔滨市环境保护委员会生态环境专家组专家;(6)黑龙江省生态环境损害鉴定评估专家库专家;(7)黑龙江省农产品质量安全风险评估专家委员会专家;(8)黑龙江省环境资源审判咨询专家库专家;


(1)中国科学院战略性先导科技专项子课题“黑土地保护与利用科技创新工程”(项目编号:XDA28070301; 执行年限: 2021. 11-2026.10, 主持, 195万元)

(2)黑龙江省寒地农业可再生资源利用技术及装备重点实验室2021年度开放课题“磁性生物质炭固定土壤中乙草胺的机制研究”(项目编号:HLJHDNY2109; 执行年限: 2022. 1-2023. 12, 主持, 3万元)

(3) 中国博士后科学基金项目“农业废弃物由来活性炭对水中重金属修复机制研究” (项目编号:20110490113; 执行年限: 2012. 1-2013. 12, 主持, 5万元)

(4) 黑龙江省教育厅海外学人项目“生物活性炭对水溶液中铅的吸附性能研究” (项目编号:1252HQ012; 执行年限: 2012.6-2015.6, 主持, 10万元)

(5) 国家林业局珍稀濒危物种野外救护与繁育项目“鄂伦春自治旗驯鹿野外种群救护及生境恢复”(项目编号:2130211; 执行年限: 2017. 8-2018. 7, 主持, 7万元)

(6) “十二五”农村领域国家科技计划子课题 “利用土壤微生物降解除草剂残留对马铃薯生产的影响”(项目编号:2012BAD06B02–01D2;执行年限: 2012.1-2016.12; 主持, 5.2万元)

(7) 黑龙江省博士后科学基金项目“多元吸附剂去除水中铁锰离子效果” 农业资源废弃物由来的生物吸附剂对铁锰污染地下水修复机制研究”(项目编号:LBH-Z11224; 执行年限: 2012. 1-2013. 12,主持, 4万元)

(8) 黑龙江省博士后科研启动基金项目“木质素和黄腐酸吸附地下水中铁锰离子机制研究”(项目编号:LBH-Q13027; 执行年限: 2014. 1-2015. 12, 主持, 5万元)

(9) 哈尔滨工业大学城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室 2013年度开放基金资助课题“活性炭对铅污染地下水修复机制研究”(项目编号:HC201322; 执行年限: 2013. 7-2015. 6, 主持, 5万元)

(10) 东北农业大学大豆生物学省部共建教育部重点实验室开放课题“大豆田除草剂氯嘧磺隆污染土壤的微生物修复”(项目编号:SB11B01;执行年限: 2012.1-2013.12; 主持, 2万元)

(11) 农业部产地环境污染防控重点实验室/天津市农业环境与农产品安全重点实验室开放基金课题“咖啡渣吸附畜禽养殖废水中四环素的机理研究”(项目编号:2016007; 执行年限: 2016. 7-2018. 6, 主持, 3万元)

(12) 农业部产地环境污染防控重点实验室/天津市农业环境与农产品安全重点实验室开放基金课题“生物炭去除水中四环素的机制研究”(项目编号:19cdhj-7; 执行年限: 2019. 6-2021. 5, 主持, 3万元)

(13) 东北农业大学博士启动基金项目“农业废弃物由来活性炭对铅污染地下水修复机制研究” (项目编号:2012RCB31; 执行年限: 2013. 1-2015. 12, 主持, 6万元)

(14) 黑龙江省教育科学“十二五”规划2012年规划重点课题研究项目 “构建创业型人才培养体系,提高经济管理专业人才培养质量”(项目编号:GBB1212005; 执行年限: 2013. 1-2015. 12, 主持, 0.6万元)



1.Lu Liu, Xiaorou Wang, Wanyi Fang, Xiaohan Li, Dexin Shan and Yingjie Dai*, Adsorption of metolachlor by a novel magnetic illite–biochar and recovery from soil, Environ. Res., 2022, 204, 111919.

2. Yingjie Dai*, Jiajia Shi, Naixin Zhang, Zhile Pan, Chuanming Xing and Xin Chen, Current research trends on microplastics pollution and impacts on agro-ecosystems: A short review, Sep. Sci. Technol., 2022, 57, 656-669.

3. Jiawei Zhao and Yingjie Dai*, Tetracycline adsorption mechanisms by NaOH-modified biochar derived from waste Auricularia auricula dregs, Environ. Sci. Pollut. R., 2022, 29, 9142−9152.

4. Yuebing Sun, Yingjie Dai*, Xiaorou Wang and Dexin Shan*, Rapid adsorption of tetracycline from aqueous solution on fly ash, Desalin. Water Treat., 2022, 248, 226-236.

5. Dexin Shan, Huating Jiang and Yingjie Dai*, Selection and evaluation of rural wastewater treatment technology in arid regions of Northwest China, Desalin. Water Treat., 2022, 254,57-70

6. Dexin Shan, Xiao Liu, Ziyi Shao, Jian Chen, Xinyu Chen and Yingjie Dai*, Metolachlor-adsorption by walnut shell biochar with the different contents of kaolin in soil, J. Environ. Eng., 2022, 148, 04022043

7. Lu Liu, Xiaohan Li, Xiaorou Wang, Yuxin Wang, Ziyi Shao, Xiao Liu, Dexin Shan, Zhihua Liu, and Yingjie Dai*, Metolachlor adsorption using walnut shell biochar modified by soil minerals, Environ. Pollut., 2022, 308, 119610.

8. Huating Jiang, Xin Chen and Yingjie Dai*, The carrier effect mechanism of butachlor in water by three typical microplastics, Environ. Sci. Pollut. R., 2022, In Press.

9. Dexin Shan, Ziyi Shao, Xiao Liu, Yuxin Wang, Yufei Liu and Yingjie Dai*, Efficient adsorption of three dyes by soybean residue (okara) biochar in an aqueous solution, Desalin. Water Treat., 2022, 266, 212-225

10. Lu Liu, Zhihua Liu, Shiyao Wang, Yufei Liu, Mengrui Sun, Yingjie Dai*, Can biochar fulfill the N need of maize under reduced N input? Environ. Eng. Manag. J., 2022, 21, 1819-1828.


1.Le Bo, Feng Gao, Shuangbao*, Ya Bian, Zhihua Liu and Yingjie Dai*, A novel adsorbent Auricularia Auricular for the removal of methylene blue from aqueous solution: Isotherm and kinetics studies, Environ. Technol. Inno., 2021, 23, 101576

2.Jiawei Zhao, Feng Gao, Yue Sun, Wanyi Fang, Xiaohan Li and Yingjie Dai*, New use for biochar derived from bovine manure for tetracycline removal, J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 2021, 9, 105585.

3.Lu Liu and Yingjie Dai*, Strong adsorption of metolachlor by biochar prepared from walnut shells in water, Environ. Sci. Pollut. R., 2021, 28, 48379−48391.

4. Huating Jiang, Junqian Tang, Xiaohan Li, Wanyi Fang, Ya Bian, Xin Mi, Dexin Shan and Yingjie Dai*, Rural domestic sewage treatment in Northeast cold region of China: rational evaluation of technology options, Desalin. Water Treat., 2021, 229, 153 −166.

5. Lu Liu, Meng Yuan, Xiaorou Wang, Xiaohan Li, Wanyi Fang, Dexin Shan and Yingjie Dai*, Biochar aging: properties, mechanisms, and environmental benefits for adsorption of metolachlor in soil, Environ. Technol. Inno., 2021, 24, 101841

6. Lu Liu, Wanyi Fang, Meng Yuan, Xiaohan Li, Xiaorou Wang and Yingjie Dai*, Metolachlor-adsorption on the walnut shell biochar modified by the fulvic acid and citric acid in water, J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 2021, 9, 106238.

7. Feng Gao, Zhenxuan Xu and Yingjie Dai*, Removal of tetracycline from wastewater using magnetic biochar: A comparative study of performance based on the preparation method, Environ. Technol. Inno., 2021, 24, 101916.

8. Huating Jiang, Qinyi Xiong, Xin Chen, Weiyu Pan and Yingjie Dai*, Carrier effect of S-metolachlor by microplastics and environmental risk assessment, J. Water Process Eng., 2021, 44, 102451.


1. Yingjie Dai, Jingjing Li and Dexin Shan*, Adsorption of tetracycline in aqueous solution by biochar derived from waste Auricularia auricula dregs, Chemosphere, 2020, 238, 124432.

2. Yingjie Dai*, Jingjing Li, Adsorption behavior of methyl orange and methylene blue onto carbon material in an aqueous solution, Desalin. Water Treat., 2020, 180, 387−397.

3. Zhile Pan, Bingbing Zhao, Weihang Zhang, Hong Yang, Xu Zhang, Feng Gao and Yingjie Dai*, The study of energy use and environmental in the united states in 2009 based on topsis and bp neural network, Fresen. Environ. Bull., 2020, 29(3), 1334−1341.

4. Zhile Pan, Chuanming Xing, Qingyao Meng, Yifan Mu, Feng Gao, Xu Zhang and Yingjie Dai*, The construction of factor analysis and evaluation system for energy and environmental protection in the united states and the forecast of energy use, Fresen. Environ. Bull., 2020, 29(3), 1342−1349.

5. Yingjie Dai, Mei Liu, Jingjing Li, Shengshu Yang, Yue Sun, Qiya Sun, Wensi Wang, Lu Lu, Kexin Zhang, Jiayi Xu, Wenlei Zheng, Zhaoyue Hu, Yahan Yang, Yuewen Gao and Zhihua Liu*, A review on pollution situation and treatment methods of tetracycline in groundwater, Separation Science and Technology 2020, 55(5), 1005-1021.

6. Yingjie Dai*, Wensi Wang, Lu Lu, Lilong Yan, Dianyu Yu*, Utilization of biochar for the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus, J. Clean. Prod., 2020, 257, 120573.

7.Chunhong Shao, Yao Cheng, Xiandong Zhang, Tingliang Yan, Yingjie Dai*, The utilization of the preconcentration for the artificial wastewater by freeze–concentrating technique with mixing non-aqueous phase liquid- novec 7300, Fresen. Environ. Bull., 2020, 29(5) 3338-3343.

8.Yingjie Dai, Xu Zhang, Xiaorou Wang, Qinyi Xiong, Qi Liu, Wei Zhao*, BC from fungus chaff: An unexpected adsorbent for methylene blue removal, Desalin. Water Treat., 2020, 197, 345−357.

9.Yingjie Dai, Jingjing Li, Qiya Sun, Zhihua Liu*, Adsorption isotherm, kinetic modeling and mechanism of neutral red on Auricularia auricularia, Desalin. Water Treat., 2020, 198, 335−344.

10. Jinku Gao, Siqi Dong, Xiaorou Wang, Chenou Pan and Yingjie Dai*, Mutual restriction between sports and environment under the globalization of sports, Fresen. Environ. Bull., 2020, 29(7A)5608-5615.

11. Chunhong Shao, Xiaorou Wang, Siqi Dong, Chenou Pan and Yingjie Dai*, The impact of sports events marketization on the environment and the corresponding measures, Fresen. Environ. Bull., 2020, 29(9)7302-7308.

12. Yingjie Dai*, Zhile Pan, Chuanming Xing, Xin Chen, Junning Bai, Zhenzhen Bai, Laiyu Jin, Naixin Zhang, Huating Jiang, Junqian Tang, Yuewen Gao and Dexin Shan*, Rapid adsorption of acetochlor and metolachlor from aqueous solution onto solid waste coal fly ash, Desalin. Water Treat., 2020, 205, 222−235.

13. Zhenxuan Xu, Qi liu, Sinuo Lin, Yanqi Tang, Dexin Shan, QichaoWang, Yanjun Li, Xin Mi, Xiaohan Li, Ziyi Wang, Hong Yan and Yingjie Dai*, The effect of a nano-membrane covered during the Chinese spirits vinasse and cow dung aerobic composting system, Int. Agr. Eng. J., 2020, 29, 23−33.




(3) Eko Siswoyo, Yingjie Dai, Masanobu Mori, Nobuhiko Wada and Hideyuki Itabashi, (2022). Environmentally Friendly Adsorbents. In: Tanaka, S., Kurasaki, M., Morikawa, M., Kamiya, Y. (Eds) Design of Materials and Technologies for Environmental Remediation. The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Vol 115. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/698_2021_827.

(4) Rudy Syah Putra, Yustiawati, M. Suhaemi Syawal, Yingjie Dai, Yongbo Lin, Md. Mostafizur Rahman, Mashura Shammi and Shunitz Tanaka, (2022). Some Pollution Problems to Consider the Design for Remediation. In: Tanaka, S., Kurasaki, M., Morikawa, M., Kamiya, Y. (Eds) Design of Materials and Technologies for Environmental Remediation. The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Vol 115. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/698_2022_896.


1. 2021 年黑龙江省科学技术奖三等奖(科技进步奖)第二名,“黑龙江省农村生活垃圾分类治理模式研究与应用”,2021-12;  

2. 2020 年度黑龙江省住房和城乡建设厅一等奖第三名,“黑龙江省农村生活垃圾分类治理模式研究与应用”黑龙江省住房和城乡建设厅,2021-01;

3.入选东农学者计划“杰出学者” 高层次人才称号;








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